Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Galveston Co. AFL-CIO to Host Labor Day Breakfast

The Galveston Co. AFL-CIO in conjunction with the Galveston County Central Labor Counsil will host their annual Labor Day Breakfast at Walter Hall Park on Hwy 3 in Leauge City, Texas.
here is the letter:

July 30, 2009
Galveston County A.F.L.-C.I.O.
6820FM 1765 TexasCity, Texas 77591

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As another year has slipped past us, Labor Day is once again upon us and so is our annual Labor Day Breakfast.
The past year brought both success and disappointment. The year brought us Hurricane lke but also a sense of community and humanity, it brought us job loss but also the chance for State Representative to show a level of statesmanship that Craig Eiland and leadership we have not seen in years, the year showed change can occur with the election of President Barack Obama but reminded us that more change is needed with the actions of the Texas Senate. We have many challenges that lay ahead and must continue to try to elect friends of labor to office. Nothing demonstrated this more than the battle of Entergy vs. Summers. We won in the House by one vote but could not even get it to the floor in the Texas Senate. We face upcoming battles on Worker's Compensation in the state and passing The Employee Free Choice Act on a national level. There is much work ahead, by Labor Day we will know the results of the ongoing organizing drive by the United Steel workers at the Valero refinery in Texas City.
I want to first thank you for your past contributions to our Labor Day Breakfast and also ask you to once again contribute to helping make Labor Day a success by sponsoring our breakfast. Both Mayor Bill White and John Sharp will be in attendance and allowed to speak briefly. Breakfast will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will be served by Grand Prize Bar B Que of Texas City. The Central Labor Council has temporarily moved and the address to send your check is:

Galveston County AFL-CIO
6820FM1765 Texas City, TX 77591

Brother Lee Medley,
Galveston County Central Labor Council

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Local 15 Ratifies Contract

check out the details as they come avialable at


Saturday, August 8, 2009

check out the new post


this is information from around the world that applies to our locals and associated locals.

CSC Ellington Field Aircraft Mechanics Contract Soon Approaching

Go to http://stll1786.blogspot.com/ to find out the details of the preliminaries before the negotiations can begin.