Thursday, May 16, 2013

District 37 Local Lodge Officer and Steward Training

District 37 Local Lodge Officer and Steward Training took place April 24th and 25th, 2013 at the Williams and Kherkher Law office conference room. There was a good showing from most of the Locals in the District, seating was at capacity for the Steward Training and a very good representation of Officers from around the District.  Lunch was provided from a local BBQ restaurant (outstanding by the way) and the day was filled with the teachings of Brother James Parker, Southern Territory Educator.  His experience and interactive teaching style made for a worthwhile experience.  Members were able to ask questions of their experiences both on the shop floor and dealing with management in a variety of situations and gain insight as to the "Do's and Dont's" to maintain control of those situations and work to a resolution that is agreeable for all parties. 
Brother Sam Munn Gave a good presentation for the NMPL and the good work that is being done by the Members in that department and the importance of sustaining support for that department, several Brothers made contributions on the spot.
There was a lot of information put out, it made for a full day.  We would like to thank The Southern Territory and Brother Parker for this opportunity.

Brother James Parker

Steward Training

Officers Attending Training