Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Steward Training

Southern Territory Educator James Parker spent time with some of the District Local's Stewards to update and discuss current issues and protocols that would contribute to the ultimate success of the Stewards day to day dealing between members and Company. Various topics, strategies and the latest in negotiation tactics and workers rights were addressed. interviewing several of the attendee's reveled that it was a very worthwhile event and information was passed along that would be very beneficial now and in the near future. Their will be several contracts coming to renewal in the next year within the district. The information dissiminated during this seminar will most assuredly be a benefit leading up to the coming negotiations. It would appear that the news of Brother Parker's efforts at the District did not make it out to the entirety of the District constituents, we will make efforts to repeat the seminar in the near future. if you have any questions regarding Steward rights and responsibilities, available information, documentation, or support concerning specific issues, please feel free to contact the District Office via phone, fax or email.

James Parker, Southern Territory Education Representative

In 2008 Brother Parker was assigned by International President Tom Buffenbarger to serve as the Education Representative of the Southern Territory on General Vice President Bob Martinez’s Staff in Dallas, Texas.
Responsibilities and assignments include, but are not limited to working with all Local Lodge and District Lodge Educators. Working with all Education Committees in the Southern Territory, including all Woodworker Local Lodges and District Lodges. Preparing and distributing education materials. Conducting Education programs, seminars, classes and sessions for all Local Lodges, District Lodges and State Councils whom may request Education. Continuously developing, designing and implementing new effective training programs. Machinists Non-Partisan Political League Check Off Programs and Campaigns. James Parker is a thirty-year member of Local Lodge 776B at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, TX, where he worked as a General Machinist. He has also served as an IAM CREST Associate Instructor since 1998, as well as the Safety and Health Coordinator on the Safety Committee at the Lockheed-Martin plant. Brother Parker has been married for 18 years. He and his wife Debbie have two children.

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